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Outstanding General Dentistry in Lafayette, LA

At Curtis Roy & Associates Dentistry, we care deeply about your oral health. Our experienced dentists can provide a range of treatments that help you achieve your goals. Whether you are single or a parent of children, you can expect a dentist who will work hard to form a relationship with you. General dentistry includes various dental services, but you can consider it comprehensive care. Comprehensive care is central to general dentistry because it focuses on everything from routine examinations to more specialized treatments, such as wisdom tooth removal. Our dentists have the educational background, experience, and expertise to care for you and your family.

happy person

Why Choose Curtis Roy & Associates Dentistry?

Our skills allow us to maintain your overall dental health and ensure positive healthcare experiences. We go beyond treating immediate issues and focus on preventing future problems through education and proactive care. We are adept at diagnosing potential issues early, saving you from discomfort and more severe health problems down the line. Most importantly, we can reduce dental anxiety and make visits more comfortable. The result is consistent checkups and positive oral health.

Schedule Your First Appointment With Our Team Today

General dentistry is the first line of defense against many oral health issues. By offering various services— from preventive care to treatments like fillings and wisdom teeth extractions — we play a crucial role in maintaining your overall health. Visit our practice twice a year for a comprehensive exam to help prevent cavities, gum disease, and other issues. We offer financing, and we accept most major forms of insurance.

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