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Affordable Dental Services in Lafayette, LA

Ensuring our patients can afford quality dental care is essential to our team. We want to provide relief, improve smiles, and prevent disease and tooth decay. That’s why we offer our dental services to Lafayette, LA patients along with CareCredit financing. We take most forms of insurance and implement strategies that make your dental care more affordable. Never avoid needed oral healthcare. Instead, reach out to our staff and learn more about how you can pay for dental exams, emergency dentistry, and more.

CareCredit card

CareCredit for Patients Who Need Help With Financing

We are proud to partner with CareCredit, a financing company that offers a card that covers health, wellness, and personal care expenses – including dentistry. While it varies from person to person based on credit score, you might receive 12 full months interest-free when you apply for the card.

Benefits of Using CareCredit Include

Quick Approval Times

Apply for the CareCredit card for an immediate decision. You can do this at home, or we can help you at our office.

Flexible Financing Options

Once approved, you can take advantage of whatever flexible financing options are available.


You can use the card for anything – from preventative care to implants. It is a versatile option that can help if you have no insurance or insurance won’t cover the procedure.

We Accept Most Insurance Carriers

In addition to offering CareCredit as a potential payment method, we also accept most insurance carriers. We want to make things as easy as possible, so you are encouraged to schedule an appointment and get the care you need. Regular dental appointments are a cornerstone of oral and overall health. Twice-yearly exams will prevent and treat cavities; our cancer screenings are crucial to your long-term health. Our team’s ability to provide a range of cosmetic and restorative procedures is also critical to your health. Our goal is to provide our expertise to the entire community, and we do so through our financing and insurance policies.

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