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Welcome To Your Most Trusted Dentist in Lafayette, LA Dr. Curtis Roy & Associates DDS!

At Dr. Curtis Roy & Associates DDS, we deeply comprehend the immense importance of a healthy and stunning smile, and how it positively impacts your overall well-being. Our highly dedicated and experienced dental team is relentlessly focused on delivering exceptional dental services in Lafayette, LA that are comprehensive and tailored to meet your unique needs. With utmost commitment, we prioritize not only the health, functionality, and aesthetics of your teeth but also your comfort and satisfaction. Rest assured that every visit to our practice will ensure you receive the absolute best care possible, backed by our unwavering dedication to excellence.

The Team at Dr Curtis Roy & Associates DDS

Experience comprehensive dental services in Lafayette, LA at Dr. Curtis Roy & Associates DDS. Our dedicated team is committed to ensuring your smile is both healthy and beautiful. As Lafayette’s trusted dentist, we offer exceptional care for all your oral health needs. Schedule an appointment today and discover the difference of quality dental care.

angie glenn

Angie Glenn

Office Administrator

Our patients look to us for advice and understanding to let them know that at Dr Curtis H Roy & Associates DDS in Lafayette, we have their best interests at heart by helping them throughout their visit to our dental office and insuring they are comfortable at all times. As office manager, my goal is to help insure that our great staff of professionals have all the things they need to help our patients enjoy their visit and have a successful experience at Dr Curtis H Roy & Associates DDS.

Advanced & All-Inclusive Dental Services in Lafayette, LA

Welcome to your trusted dentist in Lafayette! We take pride in providing a wide range of dental services tailored to meet all of your oral health needs. From routine cleanings and check-ups to restorative and cosmetic procedures, our experienced team is dedicated to helping you achieve and maintain optimal oral health. Your smile is our top priority! Some of our popular dental services include:

At Dr. Curtis Roy & Associates DDS, we recognize that a trip to the dentist in Lafayette, Louisiana can be an intimidating prospect for certain individuals. That’s why our dedicated team is devoted to cultivating an environment that is not only comfortable but also inviting for each and every one of our patients.

We take the necessary time to attentively listen to your concerns and meticulously explain any procedures or treatments, ensuring that you feel completely at ease throughout your visit. Our ultimate objective is to forge deep connections with our patients that are built upon trust and personalized care.

Request an Appointment

If you’re in need of a reliable and experienced dentist in Lafayette, look no further than Dr. Curtis Roy & Associates DDS. With our comprehensive dental services and commitment to patient satisfaction, we are dedicated to helping you achieve a healthy and beautiful smile. Don’t wait any longer – book an appointment with us today and join the many satisfied patients who have made us their go-to dental practice! Plus, new patients are always welcome. We can’t wait to see your smile! So why wait? Give us a call or visit our website to schedule your next appointment. Your oral health is our top priority, and we look forward to providing you with quality care for years to come. Let’s work together towards achieving optimal oral health and a confident smile!