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Dr Luan Nguyen

Meet Luan Nguyen, DDS

A Skilled Dentist With More Than 30 Years Experience

Dr. Nguyen is a dentist in Lafayette LA that earned his dental degree from LSU Dental School in New Orleans. He is a national and state board-certified dentist skilled in cosmetic dentistry, fixed and removable prosthodontics, implant restorations, endodontics, and the detection and treatment of periodontal disease. For Dr. Nguyen — whose father was a practicing dentist for 30-plus years — dentistry is a field with which he has always been familiar. A native of Vietnam who immigrated to the United States in his youth, he attended LSU as a pre-dental student and earned a bachelor’s degree in microbiology.


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“Our patients are our topmost priority. We take great pride in delivering exceptional dental care, ensuring that we consistently provide the highest level of service.”

~ Dr Curtis Roy & Associates DDS

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If you don’t have dental insurance and need assistance paying for your dental care, we offer a dental card with up to 12 months interest free.

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